One of the things we’ve been working on is setting up specific courses and/or sequences and running things created by other people. When I set up my own exercises I end up with more common patterns and I don’t get the same practice in remembering a course.

We work through the sequences and then isolate and work on any pieces that are harder. Usually it’s the less- obvious things that are challenges for us. Griffin has many quite great agility skills but putting together more and more pieces is still our biggest challenge.  I was pretty happy with both of these sequences, we were able to do them correct on the first try. The first sequence was harder for us – on our second try we ended up with a few knocked bars. After a short beak we were able to complete it successfully again.

I want to do more agility training but with giving him a rest break before and after the Sunday trials and where other things fall on our schedule, we usually only really get in one good session a week. Plus it ends up being pretty short (but intense) so we spend a lot more time warming up/cooling down than running. Sometimes we end up skipping it and work on obedience instead!