Birch trees. Lichen covered boulders. Yes, we’re back in Sweden!  It wasn’t something I planned really far in advance, and maybe not the most responsible thing to try to quickly find someone to teach all my classes and take care of the 3 dogs staying at home.  But it was a good choice and we’ve had a great time! Griffin and I visited 2 years ago, you can read more about our trip here and about flying here.  This time, I was much less stressed about the travel.It was also a little easier because SAS airlines have different policies than KLM – meaning we didn’t need a vet note within 48 hours of leaving.

DCIM460GOPROWe got lucky with the weather and when we left on the 14th it was a cool day, plus we were leaving Chicago at 10pm. Getting there was an adventure, a friend went with us and to drive my car back to Ohio. The current plan is for Ohio friends to pick us up in Chicago on their way home from a trial in MN. Hopefully it will go as planned!

Griffin loves it here – so many opportunities for off leash walks and a lot of individual time for petting, training, and time together. He’s  not had as much of this since Viktor and Tonks joined us.  Early in our trip we had a scary moment with a moose – probably 25’ away or less. It got startled very close by and momentarily may have turned towards us before running away. One of the dogs definitely ran after it – and Griffin may have too… he came back after a minute or two.  Very scary and far too close.

Outdoor agility trials. No ring fencing. Adventure!

Outdoor agility trials. No ring fencing. Adventure!

It’s so fun to travel with a dog who is happy and comfortable in different environments. I both want to stay here forever and get home to see my dogs, train them with new standards in mind, and enter Griffin in as much agility and obedience as we can.

Categories: Agilitytravel